Monday, February 09, 2004

Acceptance Speech

In the spirit of the 'grammies', I'd like to deliver the following: (except that I'm not a hoochie, dirty and I mean DIRTY rich, thoroughly uninteresting and mostly talentless, unarticulate windsack who flaps like a burlap bag on a pole while mumbling totally forgettable thank yous to my fellow sleazeballs who gave me an award because I sold a million records after a few million advertising dollars were poured into shlepping my crappy music to unsuspecting teenagers):

AHEM. Seeing as how I recently finished the most excellent, latest installment of The Legend of Zelda (Windwaker) for Game Cube, I would like to thank 1) My wife, for her good-natured encouragement and feigned interest in said game 2) my wife, for her loving patience and willingness to spend a night or two entertaining herself while I battled sundry monsters, creatures, evil lords, giant insects, etc., and looked for valuable items such as grappling hooks, empty bottles, iron boots, master swords, and of course, triforce pieces 3) my wife, for congratulating me with a smile upon completion of the aforementioned quest, while effectively hiding her inner rejoicings that the game can be safely put back on the shelf, never to see the light of our sun again, unless it is in the home of another mindless gamer who has paid us at least $20 for it. Thank you, Emily. You are my Princess Zelda. (weepweep, peace sign to the crowd, show everyone my shirt that has an obscure shout out to some obscure influence who's not really an influence, but all part of making my image a little more tolerable to those who are on to my pathetic fame game)

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