Thursday, October 06, 2005

This is a problem.

Newsletters to edit: 1
Papers to grade: 50
Law school admission statements to ghostwrite: 2
Boxes of submissions to reject: 3
Theses to write: 1
Doctoral programs to apply to: 6
Subject GRE tests to take: 1

Not to complain, just doing some math...

Baseball games watched: 1
Naps: 1.5
Bruce Hornsby songs cried to: 1
Guitars dug out of storage: 1
Bowls of chocolate cereal eaten: 4
Phillip Lopate essays read: 2
Hours staring at computer screen with no luck: 2

Something doesn't add up. If anyone saw Family Guy tonight, remember the part when Meg looks upwards and says "shoot me please"? You see a red dot on her forehead (from a gun's laser scope), then the "camera" follows the laser up to the clouds where God is standing with an assault rifle pointed at her. Just then the phone rings and God lowers the gun and answers, "Hello? Kaaaaaren..."

Sacrilegious? Probably...but there was something about the whole thing that seemed rather merciful, even tender, in a sick, twisted kind of way. Maybe not. Just forget it.


editorgirl said...

Tell you what. I'll trade you one (1) newsletter to edit, two (2) law school admission statements to ghostwrite, and, oh, three (3) boxes of submissions to reject in return for one (1) lesson plan for Thursday when I get observed and one (1) sister planning a January wedding.

Law school admission statements to ghostwrite? Is that legal? (No pun intended. But one taken. Oh dear.)

Anonymous said...

Newsletter: Check
Boxes of crap (literally, we're talking crap. The world is not a better place for this crap.): Check
Loving wife: Check
Best baby girl: Check

Aaron Allen said...

1) adoring fan of your blog, check
3) blogs i absolutely love just on this page alone, check
2) the number i missed because i jumped straight to 3, check.